Lemon Yogurt Grilled Leg of Lamb

          This is a variation on a grilled lamb recipe from the great 1965 cookbook, Michael Field’s Cooking School.  A thousand years ago it won a “Food Editors Choice” award in an American Lamb Council contest.   You might wonder why it has no salt.  That’s because I first made it for Craig Claiborne when he was on a no-salt diet. The lemon and yoghurt give an aura of salt.  No one at the dinner who wasn’t on a no-salt diet asked for a salt shaker. I don’t think they were just being polite.

          Try this on the outdoor grill when weather permits.  Or roast it at 475 degree oven.  Don’t overcook it.  Let guests who like lamb medium rare have the outside slices and save the really rare inner meat for yourself. 


        1 whole boned leg of lamb, butterflied
        1 1/2 cups of yogurt (nonfat or lowfat)
        Juice from 2 or 3 lemons, 1 or 2 limes, for 2/3 cups total
        2 whole onions, sliced
        2 tsp cumin
        2 tsp cinnamon
        2 tsp ground cloves

        Mix all ingredients together and pour over lamb in non-reactive roasting pan.

        Marinate at room temperature, turning often, for 4 to 8 hours or overnight in the refridgerator.

        Remove from marinade and wipe dry.

        Grill on hot coals or roast in a 475º oven until the thickest part measures 130º fahrenheit on an instant thermometer. 

        Let it rest 5 minutes.

        Slice and serve the thinner end pieces to friends who like lamb well done, saving slices from the thickest section for people who love lamb rare.

        Serves eight.

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Patina Restaurant Group