Jonathan Waxman's Arny's Fireplace Grilled Marinated Chuck Steak

Serves 4



       1 sweet onion

       2 TB Tio Pepe

       3 cloves garlic

       1/4 teaspoon Tabasco sauce

       1/4 cup good olive oil

       1 TB soy sauce

       1/2 cup Chablis or similar



       4 Idaho potatoes (washed)

       2 TB olive oil

       6 TB sweet butter

       1/2 cup minced chives

       1 3 pound chuck steak



       1. Peel the onion and dice.


      2. Place all the marinade ingredients in a blender and purée. Put the steak in a Pyrex rectangular dish and cover with        marinade. Leave for 24 hours in fridge, turn every 6 hours or so.


      3. Prepare a nice fire in the fireplace. Use a Tuscan grill or similar (Williams Sonoma or Sur la Table).


      4. Cut 4 16" square aluminum sheets. Place one potato in each of the aluminum sheets, sprinkle with                1teaspoon olive oil, and season with sea salt. Wrap tight and when coals are ready, make a hole to place the potatoes        into, and then cover the potatoes with coals. They will take about 45 minutes to cook. Turn them once if you desire.


      5. Mix butter with chives and season with sea salt, black pepper, make four lumps and refrigerate.


      6. After 30 minutes, remove the steak from the marinade. (Discard marinade.) Pat dry and season with sea salt and        black pepper. Grill steak until crusty (10 minutes) and flip over, repeat. Steak should be done.


      7. Remove steak to an old fashioned steak board (with spikes) and let rest in front of the fire.


      8. Remove potatoes, cut them open, and liberally slather with one lump of chive butter. Let rest for 5 minutes. Slice        steak. Serve with potatoes and a Chateauneuf du Pape of recent vintage.