August 4, 2009 | Favorites

On the New York Times

8.22 Who would have guessed? Murray's cheese owner Rob Kaufelt a great romantic. NYTimes Style's Wedding of the Week

8.7 NYTimes tells sad tale of the man accused of stealing Thomas's "nooks and crannies" baking secret.

4.21.10 Dear food world friends.Umami didnt exist 20 years ago. We ate. We loved. We laughed. We cried. Today Umami scores twice on Times review pg

Long time for TIMES to get 2 Sho Shaun Hergatt w/its great tasting retro ways.I discovered it months ago Sam agrees.

4.15.10 Chain dining business picking up (Times). Restaurateurs tell me the same.Deprivation is exhausting&boring after all.Apologies 2cash-strapped

2.25.10 Love David Colman in Times Style today:"Some come to NY to achieve fabulousness. Some...find fabulousness thrust upon them." Which are You?

2.24.10 Robots that cook, the Times reports. We've had too many of those cooking for years.Nevermind. I'll take one tt brings breakfast in bed.

Sunday Times Style, Michael Winerip essay. Wake up writers: If you give away work for nothing, you feed the freeby kultur, not yourself.

2.15.10 Times reports Barbie's now a Computer Engineer -- it's her 126th career. I'm sure she still bake cookies for Ken.

2.11.10 Flashy color in makeup is back, Times Style reports on Fashion Week. Nice to know my habitual turquoise eye liner is suddenly chic.

2.1.10 Times'Ariel Kaminer sent food samples to lab 4 salt tally.Katz's cornbeef sndwich w/pckles 4490 mg equals10 Mac burgers.

12.16.09 Surely Chodorow & Ed Brown will be devastated as I am, by Sifton's blast at Ed's Chowderhouse in Times Dining today. It was SO good.

11.13.09 NYTimes Style sez idiosyncratic clutter is stylish. I'm afraid my clutter is too Collier Brothers, almost pandemic.

11.8.09 Woman next to me saw the price, $6 and howled "I'm not buying it." "You must buy it," I urged."We must save the Times. Print will die."

10.12.09 NYTimes mag re:calorie restriction to live longer. "If you can't eat what you want to eat, why go on living?" James Beard once said to me.

9.18.09 Times reports fashion is a mish mosh for spring. Looks likes my look will finally be in style again .

9.16.09 How suggestible am I? Just read Times Tues piece on health effects of chocolate. Dug into my tote and, thank heaven, found chocolate.

9.12.09 NY Times late again. Finally left on wet front stoop. I know you've got problems, guys, but did you layoff the entire delivery team?

9.2.09 Today's Times Dining will make foodies ravenous.If you could measure optimism with a radiation counter these steamy pages would vibrate

8.21.09 A shock to land in this New York heat after the precious cool of Lima. Thrilled to see Bruni's 4 stars for 11 Madison Park. Nice farewell

8.6.09 Times Style says most women hate their feet. Most men think their feet are wonderful.

8.5.09 I took Sam Sifton (Times new dining critic) to lunch once hoping I could disarm him & lessen attacks from the NYPress. He was yng & cute


8.4.09 Times Science often scary. Today good news:Oysters coming back in Chesapeake, fresh garlic really is good for the heart, miracle eyeglasses

8.3.09 I never thought I'd see a phrase like "Probably Not Toxic" in the NYTimes.

8.3.09 lastweek'sTimes Dining bad news 4 tomatoes.Northeast Tomatoes Lost to Blight:Green Tomatoes probably not toxic,sez Harold McGhee. PROBABLY!

8.2.09 I see the NYTimes is selling Isaac Mizrahi's umbrella & raincoat on line @'s how tough it is to be a newspaper these days.

8.1.09 Will Julie & Julia spark a revival of cooking, a butter splurge or just more carryout and competitive sports cooking on TV? Times Sun mag August 1, 2009

7.21.09 There are probably several million orgasms tt wud not have occurred had Freud never lived," sez Tom Wolfe in Sunday Times essay on NASA.

7.5.09 From UrbanDictionary quoted in Street Smart in NYTimes mag Sunday: Neologasm, the pleasurable feeling from having coined a new word. Yes   

6.28.09 Size does matter. I weep for their humiliation as the Times Sunday Mag shrinks to face reality. & the Post 2 inches smaller than the News.

6.1.09 Jail could not be worse for a woman than being abandoned by her hairdresser...that's the message I get in the Times Ruth Madoff story.

5.7.09 “State of Play” tells you why the newspapers must survive. My day is spoiled if I can’t read the Times with my espresso.

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