June 15, 2009 | Short Order

“Top Chef Masters” Prepare an Island Feast for “Lost” Fans.

        I’m watching "Top Chef Masters" roll out each Wednesday too because we judges don’t get to peek at the star whisks in their quickfire challenge or racing through Whole Foods with their shopping carts.  Listening to the chefs' confessions in the heat of the competition was especially revealing for me on the opener where Hubert Keller’s quick reflexes and imagination took the $10,000 for his charity. 

        This Wednesday’s lineup pits Wylie Dufresne of wd~50 against Graham Elliot Bowles of Chicago, San Francisco pastry whiz and restaurateur Elizabeth Falkner and Suzanne Tracht of Jar in Los Angeles. Their challenge was to cook island food for their fans from the show “Lost.”

        I’ll be eating out as usual Wednesday, rushing home to catch the show at 10.

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