October 28, 2009 | Short Order

Josh Ozersky sheds scraps at Feedbag for a full plate: To Blog for Saveur

        Josh Ozersky, the mythic fresser who took New York magazine’s Grub Street to a high and then moved his gout-ridden clout to Citysearch as the mercurial, emotional, omnivorous Feedbag, won’t tell his readers why he’s leaving but I will.  I’m a big fan and I care.

        I hear from a reliable mouth that Josh will blog for Saveur.com, start a streaming video network with Eater’s Ben Leventhal, and is in talks with Tim and Nina Zagat about finding a niche in their empire for his rants and crushes.  Presumably he won’t have to give up his passion for LaFrieda burgers or Michael White.

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