August 9, 2010 | Short Order

Steven Richter shoots Coney Island landmarks by day.

The landmark Wonder Wheel lords it over the new Luna Park. Photo: Steven Richter

        Photographer Steven Richter, also known as the Road Food Warrior, drove out to Coney Island with Cousin Mitch in July for lunch at Totonno’s.  He shot these wonders by daylight with the new Luna Park in the foreground.  As for Totonno’s pizza: “Okay,” says Steven a man of pictures not words.

There are Cyclone riders, Cyclone watchers and can't bear-to-watchers. Photo: Steven Richter        

        I'll let cousin Mitch report:

        So how was the pie? Pretty good, with the tomato "sauce" adding the perfect balance of sweet and tart to the mellow cheese, and the pepperoni (on only half the pie) providing a bit of funk and a little kick. The crust was not perfect on this pie, a bit bready and without the puffy, holey texture that I look for. Surely due to the oven being a bit cooler than when it's fully fired. But still, a fine pie nonetheless.

This brilliant neon sign caught Steven's eye as we walked toward Nathan's. Photo: Steven Richter

        To read more about their day at Coney Island scroll down at Tasty Trevails

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