July 11, 2011 | Short Order
Dorie Greenspan fights hacker asking her friends for money

Photo: David Lebo

       “I’ve been hacked,” Dorie Greenspan, cookbook writer, and author of Around My French Table, warned everyone on her email list Saturday. “Perhaps you were among the people who received a message saying that I was in prison in Mali and needed money.  If so, I'm sorry.” MSN was refusing to shut down the account, she lamented, forwarding a new email address.

         On Sunday I got a second warning from my friend, the Sweet Times cookie queen. “The hacker is back and has sent out another plea for money.” Since the hacker has control of her account, Microsoft was still refusing to close it down, she said.

        An hour later, the hacker’s email, desk designed for a laugh, hit my desk.

        “Good evening,

        First of all I am anxious to apologize for bothering you so because I did not prevent you but there I am in problem and I really need your help rather quickly in quite discretion stp. I am really sorry to ask to you for it to you but I have no choice. I am at the moment in Mali in particular in Bamako .J' came there to meet persons known on the painting to settle an business urgent and important for a few days. It turns out that I was taken all my business (ready cash, credit card, mobile) by aggressors. I do not thus have liquidity anymore and lost all my contacts.The snag in this history is that I was accompanied with Florent, a friend who received knocks of knives in the belly because having tried to resist. His life is thus compromised and it by my fault.

        The doctors here refuse to get him care while his days are counted. I am under the shock and the words miss me! As for me, I received a blow of bludgeon in the left hand but I try to make avec.je cannot either seek the help of l embassy because the procedure to receive a help lasts little made by check now Florent has to receive care as a matter of urgency.

        I thus seek your help for a loan (mandate) at the level of 3000$ or of what you will can to settle. the expenses of hospitalization and hotel then be able to return as a matter of urgency. I plan to pay off you from my return, betrothed.
The only means here to receive from some money more quickly and in a reliable way, taken information is the Western union services situated generally in post offices; I leave you the references for the money order which you will make. Of made that I do not have a mobile anymore sending I the references of the money order as soon as you will have made him by e-mail.


        First names:Dorie



        Address:BP 3215 BAMAKO

        I count on you; I repeat you my wish of discretion and am anxious to remind yourself that you are my only hope.

       Thank you in advance for your good faith and understanding which I shall pay back to you!

        Dorie Greenspan

        No laughing matter for Greenspan or the many friends in France where scams like this are rare. Apparently the hacker was more convincing in French. After receiving Greenspan’s warning email, many French friends called relieved to know she was not penniless in Mali. “One friend wrote to apologize that he wouldn't be able to wire money until Monday because everything's closed in France on Sunday,” she says.

        On Sunday MSN was still refusing to shut down her account. Come on, guys. Give the cookie baking lady a break.

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