May 4, 2009 | Short Order

Do You Sous Vide?

        Are you desperate to perfect your sous vide technique?  (Stop reading this if you don’t know what I’m writing about.) Talk your way into Bruno Goussault’s three day sous-vide hands-on training for kitchen professionals starting May 26 through the 28th. Goussault, co-inventor of the now modish trick of cooking food under vacuum seal to be poached at a later date claims he has coached 43 of the 46 Michelin three star chefs around the globe. That includes Thomas Keller of course. The vacuum seal guru wrote the introduction to Keller’s latest heavy tome, “Under Pressure,” (Artisan). It’s also a chance to check out David Bouley’s test kitchen – scene of the workshop. 571 228 7663 or email:

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