April 20, 2009 | Short Order
Eateries Hatch on 8th Street 

by Vicki Polon

       What a shock to see new dining spots erupting like fungi on grim and mangy 8th Street.  Once a destination for hookahs, shoe boutiques and body piercing, the block between Fifth and Sixth Avenues is having a welcome spurt of foodiness.  BBQ at  # 21 leapfrogged three weeks ago from its former digs at University Place. Burger, Dog & Comics - chuckle while you chow down? - is moving into #40 and a British-style pub is planned for #47 cheek-to-cheek with a “new American restaurant” coming to #45. Patty and Bun will combine two storefronts at #61 and Lizzie’s Pizza opens soon at #31. With Eva’s Middle Eastern, Pain Quotidien and our beloved Gray’s Papaya, as well as Elettaria, 8th Street Winecellar, Cho-Cho San, Sushiyama, and let’s not forget Subway and Domino’s, that adds up to over 20 eateries on one block. Something for everyone at every price point.
        Sadly, there’s another side to this Renaissance. In between the buzz and bang of table saws and renovation, there are more than a half-dozen empty storefronts with “for rent or lease” signs, and two recent closures, Pio Maya, a tiny Mexican joint that served yummy inexpensive homemade grub, and the Vietnamese daBängh. Perhaps this is the usual ebb and flow of the biz. I’m keeping my fingers crossed. C’mon down! 
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