January 18, 2012 | Short Order

Win a romantic dinner for two Valentine’s Evening at RedFarm


A taste of the V-day love you'll get from RedFarm. Photo credit: Steven Richter
A taste of the V-day love you'll get from RedFarm. Photo credit: Steven Richter


           I’m scouting for a romantic couple to win dim sum wizard Joe Ng’s Valentine’s dinner for two February 14 at RedFarm.  You will share the house’s special Valentine’s Day menu, plus a glass of champagne, wine, beer or a cocktail in this bustling no-reservations cocoon.


          It’s no secret that I surrendered to the “inauthentic Chinese cookery” at RedFarm after three tasting dinner even before it opened.  I’ve been a fan of dim sum wizard Joe Ng since I first tasted his astonishing range in a Brooklyn Chinese restaurant. And I became a fan of Chinese guru Eddie Schoenfeld long ago at a restaurant named Auntie Yuan.  I followed them to Chinatown Brasserie, to FoodParc and now at RedFarm. I’m not alone in my addiction. Every evening and especially on weekends, a crush of food lovers line up for one seats in this tiny storefront with only 44 places.


Partner Eddie Schoenfeld is your host. Photo credit: Steven Richter


          But two of those seats in a red-and-white checked booth will be reserved Valentine’s Day for a duo of InsatiableCritic readers.  Just email me, insatiablecontests@gmail.com, a paragraph about the most romantic meal you ever ate or cooked.  On February 1st I will announce the winner of Valentine’s Day dinner at RedFarm. 


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