January 13, 2010 | Short Order
 Sam Hazen says he’ll do Sams-at-the-Sagamore in South Beach for Playboy

        Veteran chef Sam Hazen says he’s seconds from signing a deal with Playboy to do Sam’s-at-the Sagamore in South Beach. Once the contract is sealed, he’s off to Miami Beach where Playboy wants him to put on a party for 1000 at The Sagamore February 6. Then they’ll close the hotel for renovations. Hazen, who partnered with Todd English briefly, is now booking consultating through LDV Hospitality Group.

        Want a spicy meatball? How about a mammoth Maloney & Porcelli-esque pork shank with sweet and sour peppers? Hazen has already spruced up Lugo, the Italian caffe across from Madison Square Garden owned by the Lugo Menswear group as well as Lucy’s Cantina on 34th Street.  Hazan brought in Andrew Russo from the David Burke team to run Lugo’s kitchen. The shank is a special all week at $28. Hazen says he reccntly spent six weeks launching Lugo’s in Korea.  “There we get clams still in ocean water,” he says.

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