April 9, 2008 | Short Order
 Passionate women - Cait Weiss and Rozanne Gold - salute the Burger King. Photo: Steven Richter

        A spontaneous fusion of food world royalty and rabble stuffed into tiny Seymour Burton on East 5th Street Monday night to celebrate Josh Ozersky’s Hamburger: A History. The fact that Steve Hanson, Chef Michael White, Rozanne Gold, Donatella Arpaia et all found their way this far east is a tribute to Josh’s blogging prowess astride New York’s Grub Street, not to mention his ingratiating modesty.  Patient pilgrims lingering to sip exotic beers were rewarded with hot-off-the-griddle burgers on English muffins and very good fries, then wiped off the grease to get the book signed.

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