March 5, 2012 | Short Order

Postcard from Paris: A closer look at The Artist’s Jean Dujardin naked, in bondage.

          Designer Vicky Tiel writes:


          I invited myself to an afternoon matinee of Les Infideles, Jean Dujardin's new film, a sex comedy. The waiters at the outdoor cafe next door to the theater on the Blvd, St Germain were complaining about the long movie queues. They are loosing their regular outdoor café customers because of the crazy frenzy.


          The movie was a sexy romp. Dujardin is buff and naked for most  of the movie. The film is a series of vignettes, a study of the unfaithful French male including bondage, cougars, and you have to see it to believe it sex. Will the film be allowed and acclaimed in conservative America? If so, Dujardin will have a bigger reputation than just being the only Frenchman to win an Oscar. He has managed to combine France's two leading stars of the 60s into one body, half Jean-Paul Belmondo, half Alain Delon.


          To read Vicky Tiel's Fashion Noodles, go to home page and scroll down right hand column to bottom.


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