August 19, 2010 | Short Order

 Union Square Cafe barista Ryan Cody had never tasted espresso when he pulled the lever

Photo: Leigh Anne Cody

        Ryan Cody had never tasted espresso until he signed on as barista at Union Square Cafe ten years ago. And he didn’t like espresso either, dismissing it as an overcomplicated version of coffee. Eventually his passion for cappuccino gave him a more positive outlook on espresso. 

Union Square Cafe Barista Ryan Cody. Photo: Leigh Anne Cody

        Quickly he conquered his fear of the espresso machine and waiters lined up jeering, plumbed the science of caffeine and eventually took up coffee art, at first to amuse himself. He picked up the basics from latte art videos on YouTube where Canadians and Japanese vie for the title of most-loved barista.

Cody discovered latte art on YouTube and plays with his own designs. Photo: Leigh Anne Cody 
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