July 2, 2009 | Short Order
Reality Bites Top Chefs from Tony May’s SD26

Odette Fada in the kitchen of the late San Domenico. Photo: Steven Richter

        It’s a lot like junior year abroad for  San Domenico’s three-star chef Odette Fada who will be running the kitchen at SD26. Since the kitchen at Tony May’s huge new multi-level hotspot on Madison Square Park isn’t ready to work in, she and her right hand Matteo Bergamini will be working on the menu in a kitchen at Citta del Gusto in Rome starting Monday (July 6). “It’s a reality show,” says May. Cameras will record the fork and knife play and the star chef visitors

Daughter Marisa and Tony May. Photo: Steven Richter

from across Italy May has invited to critique and advise. “We’re going to do our menu, going for true authenticity providing we can do it, and get their feedback.” If the Italian version of the drama is hot enough, there could be an American translation.

        As May pointed out to Grub Street he will be going from a 150-seat dining room to 350 seats, plus a lounge that seats 75 and a 100-seat private dining room. And the design includes a shop to sell products used by the kitchen. “There's nothing new in Italy, but there's still a lot of room for innovation in America!” he said before shuffling off to the mother country to become a movie star.

        Meanwhile Marisa May, Tony’s adorable blond daughter who was running San Domenico when it closed in a rent dispute, has become brunette.

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