June 6, 2014 | Short Order

Kindle’s 99 Cent Countdown Deal Showcases My Steamy Blue Skies, No Candy

          Can starring on Amazon’s KindleCountdownDeal make my uninhibited, million-copy-selling novel Blue Skies, No Candy into Fifty Shades of Blue? It could.

          I always hoped that when determined fans of erotica finished all three books in the Shades of Grey trilogy, they’d turn to my Blue Skies, No Candy to keep them company in bed at night. Now the book has been chosen to star in a KindleCountdownDeal. It opened selling at 99 cents today June 6 for 48 hours, and then the price goes up to $1.99. It’s a chance to download great summer reading at a tempting discount.

          A National Best Seller, Blue Skies was greeted in 1976 with disturbing shock and outrage by male critics. I hid in my room for three days. But then it was championed by women in an ad that began: "Not since Henry Miller has a book about sex caused such a furor.” Later ads for the paperback with its daring cover were banned from New York City’s subways. But it has continued to be an underground classic of erotica decades after going out of print. 

“Bed is where I’m making it these days…” Thus begins the witty and utterly uninhibited confessions of Kate Alexander. Kate is a woman who has everything: professional success as a screenwriter, adoring husband, well-balanced offspring…all the ridiculous, delicious trappings of celebrity in Manhattan. 

But the panic of turning 40 and the struggle to stay at the top in a profession where there are few women have eroded her confidence. The one place she feels comfortable is…bed. Behind the devotion she feels for her husband Jamie is a hurricane of sexual energy. Her afternoons are devoted to acting out erotic fantasies that crowd her head. None of this must ever threaten her life with Jamie. 

But then she meets Jason the urbane Texan who is her match, the man who knows Kate better than she knows herself. Their odyssey through the truffle fields of France, as Kate dares every carnal risk, escalates into what could be love…or just sexual obsession.

          Click here to reach the KindleCountdownDeal and get Blue Skies now for just 99 cents. At 10 am Sunday, June 8, the price will be $1.99 -- that’s a discount too. Then Wednesday at 2 pm, it will be $2.99. Buy a box of chocolates, crawl into bed, alone or whatever you prefer… and read it now.

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