May 18, 2015 | Short Order
Richie Notar has found his Harlem real estate on 125th Street.

        (Richie Notar says I misheard him in the noise of celebration at Harlow, he still thinks he will open at the Lenox Lounge.) 

          Richie Notar, who earned his cred at Nobu, has wanted to add a Harlem jazz joint to his resume for some time starting with his dream of taking over the shuttered Lenox Lounge.  Now his jazz dream has landed on 125th Street, or so he told me Thursday, as he hosted a friend’s anniversary celebration at Harlow.

          Post’s Steve Cuozzo reported a year ago, Notar will partner with Dwight Henry, a star of “Beasts of the Southern Wild” to do Mr. Henry’s Bakery. Inspired by the baker-turned-actor's Henry’s Buttermilk Drop Bakery & Café in New Orleans, it will sit next door to Notar’s Lounge. Meanwhile he opened his Sag Harbor outpost of Harlow last summer. Apparently the Hamptons are a cakewalk compared to Harlem. 

          When I called for more specifics, he was “in a meeting.”

Notar was the host at an anniversary celebration at Harlow’s for Michael Trokel and Pamela Morgan.

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